Cannabis Sativa or Hemp is consumed for its various health benefits. It relieves chronic pain, boosts metabolism and immunity, reduces anxiety and depression. It is also known to improve your focus, stimulate creativity. Apart from being a superfood, hemp also has various industrial uses.
Cannabis Indica or Marijuana as we commonly know it is consumed for its relaxing and soothing effects. It is also a prescribed drug to relieve pain, lower anxiety levels and to induce better sleep. It also reduces nausea and increases appetite.
Hemp is one of the oldest domesticated plants known to man. Our ancestors have been using Hemp for its various benefits for several years. It is known to have originated in Central Asia and is also known to be a native of the Himalayas. Due to its origin, it is also referred to as the Himalayan Herb.
All parts of Hemp can be used to produce Superfoods that can be consumed as seeds, powder or oil. Apart from the food industry, Hemp also has many industrial uses. It can be used to make rope, paper, clothes, wax or even furniture. It is used as a renewable source for raw materials that can be used in various products.
As Hemp is rich in fibre, proteins, vitamins and amino acids, there are various health benefits of its consumption. Some of them are increased energy levels, decreased stress and anxiety, pain relief and lesser risk of heart diseases.
All parts of Hemp can be used to produce Superfoods that can be consumed as seeds, powder or oil. Apart from the food industry, Hemp also has many industrial uses. It can be used to make rope, paper, clothes, wax or even furniture. It is used as a renewable source for raw materials that can be used in various products.
As Hemp is rich in fibre, proteins, vitamins and amino acids, there are various health benefits of its consumption. Some of them are increased energy levels, decreased stress and anxiety, pain relief and lesser risk of heart diseases.